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Neonatal Radiant Warmer ZRW-A10
Neonatal Radiant Warmer ZRW-A10

Neonatal radiant warmer ZRW-A10 is an open care system which helps to keep the infant body in warm condition. It helps to maintain the body temperature of new born baby by providing sufficient heat to the body. The heat produced is reflected by reflector to the entire mattress surface where the infant lay.


Automatic temperature control
Power failure, sensor failure, temperature deviation alarm is present
X-ray cassette is present
Ease operation


Device is used to administer anesthetic gases and vapors to respiratory system, to induce sleep and to eliminate patient’s pain. Used in hospitals mainly in intensive care units.

Operational environment a:9:{s:26:"Heater infrared wavelength";s:12:"1 to 3 µm";s:24:"Mattress ( radiant unit)";s:5:"81 cm";s:25:"Max load on mattress tray";s:5:"10 kg";s:16:"Tilt of mattress";s:25:"0 to ± 10 ° step-less";s:15:"Time to warm up";s:10:"≤ 45 min";s:11:"Temperature";s:20:"+ 18 °C to + 30 °C";s:8:"Humidity";s:16:"75 % (At 30 °C)";s:13:"Air flow rate";s:9:"< 0.3 m/s";s:17:"Power requirement";s:11:"≤ 1000 VA";}
Alarm a:3:{s:14:"System failure";s:0:"";s:11:"Noise level";s:0:"";s:19:"Pressure adjustment";s:0:"";}