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Ventilator machine ZVM-A10
Ventilator machine ZVM-A10

Ventilator machine ZVM-A10 is pneumatically driven, electrically controlled used for emergency clinical resuscitation and respiratory therapy. Tidal volume i.e. the air inhaled during normal breath ranges from 10 to 1500 ml. System contain dual electronic flow sensor and dual respiratory modules. This is highly stable and reliable product.


Working mode: Closed, semi-closed and semi-open 
TFT Display: pressure-time, frequency-time, pressure-volume, frequency-volume and any 2 waveform 
Pressure trigger and flow trigger 
Monitor parameter: tidal volume, respiratory rate, airway pressure, I: E ratio, inspiratory expiratory status etc 
9 level adjustable humidifier 
Environmentally friendly 
Alarm system: audible and/or visual during any feature failure 
Before starting to perform automatically check the initial functions, automatic calibration is done


Ventilator is common lifesaving instrument in emergency units, also used in hospitals intensive care units.

Tidal volume 10 - 1500 ml
Ventilation mode A/C, SIPPV, IPPV, SIMV, PSIMV, PSV, CPAP, PCV, Spont, manual
Respiratory rate 1 to 99 bpm
I:E ratio 4:1-1:4
Minute volume ≥ 18 L
Display 10.4 inch (TFT)
Pressure limit 1.0 kPa to 6.0 kPa
Adjustable oxygen concentration 45 - 100 %
Backup power supply 4 hours